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What Is The LYDIAN MODE? Lydian Mode For Songwriters lydian mode major scale modes modes music theory Dec 02, 2021

What is the Lydian mode?

The short version is that it's the mode based off of the 4th scale degree of a Major Key and it's a mode that's even brighter and more heavenly sounding than a Major...

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How To Figure Out ALL THE NOTES for ALL NATURAL MINOR KEYS all notes in every natural minor key learn music theory music theory music theory for songwriters natural minor natural minor key songwriter theory Nov 29, 2021

In this video, you'll learn the single thing you need to know in order to figure out every single note in every minor key. Let's talk about it!

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3 Lessons Songwriters Should Learn from Music Composers music theory Sep 04, 2021

Songwriting and music composing are sort of the same. And yet sort of completely different.

Music composers often work without lyrics or see lyrics in a supplementary role. Hopefully, as...

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Chord Progression Basics - Major Keys learn music theory major key major key notes music theory Sep 04, 2021

A huge part of a story is its flow. Does it move naturally from one part to another? Does it make you feel suspense, resolve, worry, and sorrow exactly when it wants? Does it push and pull your...

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Music Theory For Songwriters learn music theory music theory Sep 04, 2021

How much music theory do you really need to know to write songs?

Do you need to know every bit of music theory your music major friends know? Do you need nothing?

I think there are 3 necessary bits...

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