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Find Your Writing Places

Sep 04, 2021

If you want more visits from the muse or to increase your productivity, you need to find the places that are conducive to writing productivity. If you want to learn how to concentrate on writing, you need to start with finding your writing places.

There are 2 main factors to decide where to do the bulk of your writing.


Away From Distractions

That’s right, don’t do your songwriting in front of the TV. Multitasking is a load of crap, unless the 2 things you’re doing are completely brainless. And writing isn’t brainless. Or at least it certainly shouldn’t be. 

Don’t tell me you can do both. Do one of the things WELL. So commit to writing away from other distractions.

If you’re too distracted by the internet and all those facebook people you call friends, don’t write on the computer. Go back to old fashioned paper. No one is saying you can’t transfer whatever you write to the computer after you’re done.

And, coffee shop writing isn’t for all of us. I was an only child, so I’m not super great at drowning out noise. That probably means coffee shop writing wouldn’t be a good match for me. 

I’d be too distracted by random conversations and customer orders I don’t actually care about. But, if the noise actually helps you concentrate and is basically white noise for you, utilize it!

Similarly, if you find yourself being constantly distracted by people in your house, find a spot away from them. Maybe even a “do not disturb” sign for your door to get the point across that you are not to be disturbed during your writing session.

Distractions can even be in the form of a context- writing at the same desk that you play your video games or writing on the same couch you often watch TV from can be distracting. 


Conducive to Creativity

This is basically the other side of the “away from distractions” coin. Not only do you want the absence of distractions, you want a place that actively assists your creativity.

Maybe the library makes you ready to settle down and write. Or maybe you’re like me and write best by lamplight. 

Finding the right pictures to have on the wall can help too. For me, I like any form of art that makes me think. 

Whatever it is that gets you into the creative zone, utilize those things for your writing place. Maybe it’s your favorite books or albums that have inspired you to be a writer. Maybe it’s your guitar, or other instrument of choice. 

What time you decide to write can also be a massive factor in your creativity. I, personally, am a night owl. 

In college, there was a running joke with my band mates that I only wrote our best stuff post-midnight. And, honestly, it was about 98% true. It was uncanny how the switch just turned on post-midnight. 

To this day, I write better when my wife is already in bed, it’s dark out, and it’s only me and the darkness hanging out. 

Maybe for you, early morning writing sessions is the way to go. If you’re the kind of person who can wake up at 5 a.m. to work out, you may be a morning writing session kind of person.

Whatever time is most conducive to the creative juices flowing, utilize it. 

What is your writing place? Let us know in the comments below!

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